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welcome comic

About Us

dog comic

What We Do

We draw comics!!!

(Our research on how to make a good website showed us we had to write only things relevant to the topic, so I won’t tell you that we also play soccer, basketball, and baseball and that I play the violin and my brother plays the piano, cello, and trumpet. We also do a lot of other things.)

eyesight exam test

Our Vision

 My brother has 20/20 vision. I do not have great vision so I have to wear glasses. (I wear contacts so no one will notice) I know, I know, you do not care what our vision is… but we researched and found that every good website states what its vision is.  (I still do not know why we had to put what our vision is in our website. For all I know, I could be nearly blind but still draw funny comics!!!)

soccerr goalkeeper comic

Our Goal


Who We Are

We are Jose and Pablo Prado from Guatemala. Now, here’s a little history: in 1492, Columbus discovered America, then, in 1945, World War II ended. (We know, you hate history, but our research also showed us that we had to include a little history under “who we are”, we are sorry if you hate history, but we do want to have a good website.) 

Don't try it!
Don't do it!
Don't Click it!
Don't dare to!

We were tied in the last minute of the game. My brother dribbled across the field and lobbed the ball to me. I jumped and performed a perfect bicycle kick. the ball soared into the net and we won! It was a great goal!

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